Executive Committee Vs Board of Directors

Executive Committee Vs Board of Directors
September 5, 2024 No Comments Uncategorized cydan-info

The existence of an executive committee could be helpful for nonprofits that require work to be completed quickly and efficiently. However, some boards may be confused between an executive committee and the board of directors.

The executive committee is comprised composed of board members, who act as the board’s ears and eyes between meetings, and are accountable to handle urgent issues. They are typically comprised of three to seven members.

Typically the executive committee consists of a chairperson and vice-chairperson, along with secretary. The function of the chairperson is to lead the committee and serve as the voice of the board. The vice-chairperson assists the chairperson with their duties and may also serve as a substitute the chairperson’s place if required. The secretary records meeting minutes and keeps a committee calendar and ensures that all committee members are able to access committee documents.

Although the executive committee is a subcommittee of the board, it is the sole authority to run the business. King advises a board to be cautious about delegating tasks to an executive panel, in order to avoid creating a unwelcome”two-tier” power dynamic in which the executive committee is given decision-making authority which by statute or constitution are the sole responsibility of the board.

The existence of an executive committee can be beneficial for a non-profit particularly in situations where it’s not feasible or practical for the board to meet in person with a short notice to discuss urgent issues. The executive committee can provide an opportunity for those who are closely connected to the organization via their leadership to take crucial decisions in key areas like high-level workplace issues, organisational oversight and development of the board.


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