Category: IT Vacancies

Category: IT Vacancies

Writer AI Studio: transform workflows with generative AI apps
February 7, 2025 IT Vacancies cydan-info

To transform mission-critical workflows, companies need to build sophisticated, customized AI apps and agents powered by LLMs. We shared a peek into our early thinking on a new transformer architecture that we’re developing — self-evolving models. This approach will allow LLMs to identify and learn new information in real time, adapting to changing circumstances without requiring

How to Qualify a Sales Lead in Salesforce A Guide by Salesforce- Salesforce
November 8, 2022 IT Vacancies cydan-info

Studies show how companies who adopt lead scoring best practices see better KPIs across the board; from lead qualification rates, speed-to-lead to lead conversion rates, and ultimately, revenue growth. Overall, lead scoring can be a useful tool for companies looking to improve their lead management process. By considering both the benefits and drawbacks, you can

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